Pat Blake
Co-Owner / COO
(316) 721-5432

Send CTS a Message Today

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24-Hour Emergency Hotline

Dispatch: (316) 721-5432
Fax: (316)721-6329

Commercial Trade Services, LLC
510 E. 46th St. S.
Wichita, KS 67216

Hours of operation:
Monday Friday  |  8 a.m. 5 p.m.


CTS is quick to respond to any needs or concerns you may have. There is good communication throughout.

Dr. Patricia Kusnerus

Team Vision

I’ve always been pleased with their work. When nobody else could come in, they were not only here, they were effective.

Dr. Courtney Ruthven

Commerce Plaza Building

When the zoo has a heater fail in the dead of winter, there is always the possiblity of loss of life. Day, night, weekend or holiday, I can always count on being taken care of by CTS.

Scott Childs

Sedgwick County Zoo